
  • PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Technical University of Berlin in cooperation with the Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin (2000)
  • Degree in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Sassari (Italy) (1996)
  • Certificate “Data Management with SQL”, OPEN Hasso Plattner Institute Potsdam (2013)

Professional experience and previous fields of activity

Freelancer in the company BIO-Diverse Dr. Nicole Nöske, Dr. Luciana Zedda GbR from 2012 to 2022 (biodiversity research and communication).

Research: over 20 years of experience in biodiversity research in the Mediterranean region and southern Africa. Author of numerous publications and supervisor of diploma, master and doctoral theses.
Publications and public relations: author of scientific publications, research reports, teaching materials for schools and universities, editing, blogging and social media, technical translations.
Information management: project management and collaboration on several projects, construction and maintenance of specialized websites as well as conceptual design and content maintenance of databases. Data management from construction, coordination to application of web-based specialized information systems. Maintenance of websites and internet portals, online marketing, usability and quality assurance. Handling of research data and bibliographic data.
Environmental education: at schools and extracurricular institutions (primary, lower and upper secondary) and in adult education.
Academic teaching: Private lecturer in botany at the University of Sassari (Italy) and lecturer in lichenology at the University of Bayreuth (2002-2009). Lecturer in data and literature research (Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences) (2014-2018). Lecturer at UNISA (University of South Africa) (2014-2020).

Former employers and clients

  • European Commission (EC)
  • Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland LV NRW e.V.
  • University of South Africa (UNISA) (Pretoria)
  • Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences (Department of Ecotrophology)
  • University of Bayreuth (Mycology)
  • ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences (Cologne, Bonn)
  • University of Sassari, Italy (Department of Agriculture)
  • University of Sassari, Italy (Consorzio Uno)
  • Botanical State Collection Munich
  • University of Bonn (Geobotany & Nature Conservation)
  • Technical University (TU) Berlin (Inst. f. Ökologie) (with grant)
  • Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum FU Berlin (with grant)

Selected Publications

2023 Zedda, L., The importance of a transformative biodiversity education for perceiving, appreciating and supporting lichen diversity in German urban environments. The Lichenologist, 55(5), 161-168. doi:10.1017/S0024282923000312

2023 Pröbstl, F., Paulsch, A., Zedda, L., Nöske, N., Cardona Santos E.M., Zinngrebe, Y., Biodiversity policy integration in five policy sectors in Germany: How can we transform governance to make implementation work? Earth System Governance, Volume 16,

2021 Zinngrebe, Y., Pröbstl, F., Büttner, N., Marquad, E., Nöske, N., Timpte, M., Zedda, L., Paulsch, A. Strukturelle und inhaltliche Analyse der Nationalen Biodiversitätsstrategie, Empfehlungen für ihre Weiterentwicklung. BfN-Skripten 619.

2020 Nöske, N., Zedda, L., Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für Grün- und Freiflächen. In: Bürgerschaftliches Engagement im öffentlichen Grün – Erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit von Kommunen, Privatwirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft; Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Rates für Landespflege, Heft 85,

2020 Nöske, N., Zedda, L., Wurzel, A., Leicher, R., Bürgerschaftliches Engagement im öffentlichen Grün – Erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit von Kommunen, Privatwirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft. Deutscher Rat für Landespflege (DRL) und Bund Heimat und Umwelt Deutschland (BHU), 12 Seiten.

2019 Zedda, L., Nöske, N., Timpte, M., Edelmann, J., Paulsch, A. Case study -“How would the Three Conditions-Approach work for the German National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP)?”. Institute for Biodiversity – Network e.V. (ibn). Commissioned by the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Beyond the Aichi Targets Task Force.

2019 Nöske, N., Zedda, L., Wissmann, J. Assessment der Bildungsangebote hinsichtlich Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen im Raum Bonn im Sinne einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE). BION-Netzwerk Bonn.

2018 Maphangwa, K.M., Sipman, J.H., Tekere, M., Zedda, L. Epiphytic Lichen Diversity on Jacaranda and Acacia Trees in Pretoria (Tshwane, Republic of South Africa). Herzogia 31(2):945-965

2016 Nascimbene, J., Casazza, G., Benesperi, R., Catalano, I., Cataldo, D., Grillo, M., Isocrono, D., Matteucci, E., Ongaro, S., Potenza, G., Puntillo, D., Ravera, Sonia, Zedda, L., Giordani, P. Climate change fosters the decline of epiphytic Lobaria species in Italy. Biological Conservation. 201. 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.08.003.

2015 Zedda, L., Rambold, G. The Diversity of Lichenised Fungi: Ecosystem Functions and Ecosystem Services. Recent Advances in Lichenology Volume 2: Modern Methods and Approaches in Lichen Systematics and Culture Techniques. (pp.121-145).

2015 Zedda, L., Nöske N., Erforsche Neophyten mit! – Citizen Science für junge Forscher im Bonner Raum. Lehrmaterial für LehrerInnen und MultiplikatorInnen. BUND für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland LV NRW e. V.: 1-51. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2862.2160

2014 Rambold, G., Elix, J., Heindl-Tenhunen, B., Köhler, T., Nash, T., Neubacher, D., Reichert, W., Zedda, L., Triebel, D. LIAS light – Towards the ten thousand species milestone. MycoKeys. 8. 11-16. 10.3897/mycokeys.8.6605.

2011 Zedda, L., Gröngröft, A., Schultz, M., Petersen, A., Mills, A., Rambold, G., Biodiversity and distribution patterns of soil lichens across different biomes of Southern Africa and their predicting value for global climate changes. Journal of Arid Environments 75: 215-220.

2010 Zedda, L., Cogoni, A., Flore, F., Brundu, G. Impacts of alien plants and man-made disturbance on soil-growing bryophyte and lichen diversity in coastal areas of Sardinia (Italy). Plant Biosystems 144(3): 547-562.

2009 Zedda, L., Schultz, M., Rambold, G., Diversity of epiphytic lichens in the Savannah Biome of Namibia. Herzogia 22: 153-164.
2007 Triebel, D., Peršoh, D., Nash III., T.H., Zedda, L., Rambold, G. Chapter 8. LIAS – an interactive database system for structured descriptive data of Ascomycetes. – In: Currey, G.B., Humphries, C.J. (eds.), Biodiversity databases. Techniques, politics, and applications. The Systematics Association Special 73: 99-110.

2002 Zedda, L., The epiphytic lichens on the genus Quercus in Sardinia (Italy) and their value as ecological indicators. Englera 24, Monographie: 1-457.

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