BiodiversityProjects offers a wide range of services in the field of biodiversity. The company is active in Germany and internationally, and works both scientifically and at the interface between science, society and policy.

Specialist knowledge & Consulting

If you need specialist knowledge or advice on a particular biodiversity topic, BiodiversityProjects can help with the following services:

  • Biodiversity research with focus on lichens and plants (monitoring and bioindicators, species identification, ecological surveys)
  • Search of and elaboration of data and information (from databases, the internet and literature) (different topics)
  • Conducting of studies, surveys and interviews
  • Writing scientific publications, reports and recommendations

Education & Communication

In the case you would like to develop and implement an education or communication project, BiodiversityProjects can support you with the following tasks:

  • Knowledge transfer on biodiversity from science to policy and society, for example through publications, lectures, social networks, specialized information portals, events, etc.
  • Biodiversity education (academic, school and extracurricular), including education for sustainable development and citizen science projects
  • Participation processes targeted to different stakeholders, for example organization, implementation and moderation of workshops and of other events (remote and in presence)

Target groups

BiodiversityProjects works for various target groups. These include non-profit organizations, authorities, educational institutions and enterprises.

Project planning, work and evaluation

BiodiversityProjects provides support in all project phases:

  • Project development and applying for funding
  • Project implementation and management
  • Evaluation of projects on behalf of funding agencies
  • Public relations


All projects can be implemented in German, English and Italian.

Please contact BiodiversityProjects for a personalized offer!