
For more than 10 years I have been working freelance in Germany and internationally on the topic of biodiversity and have gained extensive work experience in the context of various projects. As a graduate agricultural engineer (University of Sassari, Italy) and doctor of natural sciences (Technical University of Berlin, Institute of Ecology), I am proficient in a broad range of topics.

I can bring in-depth expertise to your project and am familiar with all phases of project work.

My work focuses on the following areas:

  • Biodiversity research
  • Biodiversity communication and education

For larger projects, I often team up with other colleagues from various networks and institutions

Memberships and Networks

Voluntary work

Board member of the Institute for Biodiversity-Network e.V. (ibn) since 2017

Member of the editorial advisory board of the journal Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung since 2024

My career and selected publications …